Following the series finale of The L Word, Showtime released a series of seven short videos depicting Bette, Alice, Tina, Shane, Helena, Niki and Max being questioned by the LAPD (guest starring Lucy Lawless as Sergeant Marybeth Duffy) over Jenny's death. The episodes were posted weekly on Showtime's website and served as an epilogue to season 6.
Bette's tape reveals more about her feelings towards her relationship with Tina.
Alice's tape reveals how she first met Bette and her feelings towards her bisexuality.
Tina's tape reveals more about her family background. It also reveals that she and Jenny became very close while filming Lez Girls, and Tina had opened up about her family to Jenny, helping explain why Jenny refused to back down when she thought that Bette had cheated on Tina with Kelly Wentworth.
Shane's tape reveals how she first met Alice and who really burned down Wax.
Helena's tape reveals what she did with Catherine Rothberg's money.
Niki's tape reveals who really stole the Lez Girls negatives.
- Max Sweeney/Interrogation Tapes
- The tapes confirm the date of Jenny's death to be January 18, 2009.